Tag Archive for: Mulch

Decorative Rock For Landscape Beds

March is ‘Mulch Madness’ in Fort Smith, Arkansas

Don’t forget about ‘Mulch Madness’ with all of the hype about ‘March Madness’ going on right now in Fort Smith, AR!

The Arkansas Razorbacks have secured the number 4 seed and are currently waiting to find out who their opponents will be as the NCAA conference tournaments are still ongoing.

Before the lawns start growing each spring in Fort Smith and nearby, Riverview Turfworks is busy spreading mulch in the landscape beds of local homes and businesses.  If you are looking to spruce up your landscaping this spring with a fresh layer of mulch, contact us today for your free estimate!

Dark Brown Mulch

Spring-Time Mulch Service

Spring is the perfect time to install mulch in Fort Smith and nearby.

As the warmer weather takes over, all of the plant life comes back to life.  Unfortunately, this means that weeds will become a problem if they are not addressed.

Installing mulch can help keep the weeds out of your landscape beds!  It is important to note that installing mulch will not eliminate weeds from your landscape beds, but a 2″ layer of mulch will help suppress weeds from ever germinating and we always install a pre-emergent herbicide before spreading mulch which creates a barrier that doesn’t allow weeds to ever emerge from the ground.  Pre-emergent weed control isn’t 100% effective but it has been proven to drastically reduce the number of weeds found in flower beds.

Mulch Is The Easy Landscape Spruce Up

We just discussed how our mulch service can help with future weeds entering your landscape beds, but of course, any weeds that are currently present in your landscape beds will also be removed before we deliver and install your new mulch.

Nothing can change the appearance of a home faster than a fresh layer of mulch!

Talk to Fort Smith’s local landscapers at Riverview Turfworks today about the options of mulch available.  You may be surprised at the choices available to you!  Yes – black, brown, and red mulch is available, but did you know that local landscape supply stores also have gold-colored mulch and cedar mulch that also has a golden appearance.  This can really set your landscape apart from your neighbors and maybe the perfect complement to your home.

Hardwood mulch is the most popular and common type of mulch.  Cedar is not a hardwood mulch, but the gold, brown, black, and red mulches nearby are.  Pine bark nuggets are another type of mulch you may want to consider.  Pine bark is available in a fine and coarse shred version.  They are both brown in appearance with the pine bark fines being a darker shade of brown.

Riverview Turfworks Logo

Schedule Your Mulch Installation For This Spring Now!

Riverview Turfworks focuses on offering the most reliable and professional lawn mowing service in Fort Smith and nearby.  For this reason, we do not install mulch all year round for everyone!  We are happy to accommodate late spring, summer, and fall mulch requests for our lawn mowing customers, but our mulching service is only available to non-mowing customers in the spring before the grass begins to grow.

We expect to offer mulch installation to all local residents and businesses until the middle of April or so, weather depending.

Request your free mulch installation quote today!