Tag Archive for: Riverview Turfworks

The Importance of Regular Lawn Mowing

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The Importance of Regular Lawn Mowing

For your home, a lush, well-trimmed lawn is the equivalent of a layer of delicious, warm, gooey chocolate sitting atop your ice cream sundae. Of course, you could eat the ice cream without the topping, but it simply would not taste as heavenly. In the same way, your home would still be a home without an immaculate lawn, but it would not be the magnet for the eyes of visitors and passersby. And as Bigham & Associates point out, you would miss out on the extra boost it could give to the value of the property. Regular lawn mowing promotes lawn health and curb appeal in many ways.  Read on to learn more!

But getting your lawn to become the source of green-eyed envy from your neighbors takes some work. Most homeowners assume that the most crucial thing they have to do guarantee lawn health is watering it and giving it a good dose of fertilizers. It never crosses their minds that how they cut the lawn could be more crucial to its health. That is because it is counterintuitive to think that if you want your lawn to grow well, you have to cut it properly.

But that’s the reality. Cutting your grass the right way will help it grow better because mowing affects everything that influences lawn growth. The way you mow the lawn will have an impact on how well the grass makes use of available nutrients. It will also affect soul fertility and plant health. To understand how to get grass that is thriving, you must understand the benefits of mowing the lawn regularly.

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Topics covered in this blog:

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Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is the first and most obvious benefit of a well-mown lawn. A properly manicured lawn confers dignity and respect on the occupants of the property. It suggests that the people who live in it are high-value people with good taste.

Also, if the home is for sale, the lawn helps to make the right impression on prospective buyers and put them in the right mood for viewing the rest of the house. Regularly mown lawns increase a home’s value and enhance the value of properties in a neighborhood.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”sect-2″ module_id=”sect-2″ _builder_version=”4.6.6″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″][et_pb_image src=”https://riverviewturfworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Lawn-Care-for-Stronger-Grass.jpg” alt=”The backyard of a client of Riverview Turfworks. The grass is noticeably thick and strong thanks to regular mowing.” title_text=”Lawn Care for Stronger Grass” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.6.0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.6.6″ header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.2em” header_3_font_size=”25px” header_3_line_height=”1.2em” custom_padding=”||||false|false” header_2_font_size_tablet=”26px” header_2_font_size_phone=”24px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”22px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]

Stronger Grass

Contrary to what homeowners may think, cutting the lawn does not make the grass weaker. It makes them stronger.

That is because mowing is an indirect process that removes the weakest grasses in the lawn. Cutting grasses stresses them. But the hardest and most resilient shoots heal faster and grow to take up any available spaces in the lawn. The weaker shoots, which recover more slowly, are denied resources and become even weaker. Eventually, the weak grasses die out to make room for the stronger growths.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”sect-3″ module_id=”sect-3″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″][et_pb_image src=”https://riverviewturfworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Lawn-Tips-for-Even-Growth.jpg” alt=”A Riverview Turfworks employee in the process of mowing thick and green grass.” title_text=”Lawn Tips for Even Growth” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.6.0″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.3″ header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.2em” header_3_font_size=”25px” header_3_line_height=”1.2em” custom_padding=”||||false|false” hover_enabled=”0″ header_2_font_size_tablet=”26px” header_2_font_size_phone=”24px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”22px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” link_text_color=”#E95832″ link_font=”|600|||||||” sticky_enabled=”0″]

Even Growth

Regular mowing of the lawn creates uniform access to resources for all the grasses in the lawn. When the lawn is cut a few inches above the ground, it allows water, sunlight, and oxygen to penetrate plant roots and the soil at an even rate. The grasses have resources at a consistent rate.

And the chances of areas of patchy or uneven growth occurring in the lawn are much lower. Uniformity in the appearance of the grass across every area of the lawn is essential, and regular mowing facilitates this.

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Leaving grass cuttings on the lawn after mowing them helps to recycle nutrients back into the soil and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers. But the mulching obtained from an irregularly cut lawn has a lower quality than mulching from a regularly cut lawn. That’s because longer blades of grass are weaker and have fewer nutrients than younger growths. Moreover, it is easier to leave grass cuttings on the lawn when they are short.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”sect-5″ module_id=”sect-5″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″][et_pb_image src=”https://riverviewturfworks.com/wp-content/uploads/How-To-Grow-a-More-Resilient-Lawn.jpg” alt=”The backyard of a client of Riverview Turfworks in Van Buren AR. The grass is green and healthy and has been prefessionally cut.” title_text=”How To Grow a More Resilient Lawn” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.6.0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.6.6″ header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.2em” header_3_font_size=”25px” header_3_line_height=”1.2em” custom_padding=”||||false|false” header_2_font_size_tablet=”26px” header_2_font_size_phone=”24px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”22px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]

More Resilient Lawn

Regular grass cutting creates a lawn that is resilient and better equipped to handle stress. Lawns have exposure to several damaging events likes pests, disease, and bad weather. However, if the lawn has been reinforced and improved through regular mowing, it will be able to weather any negative event. An irregularly cut lawn will lack the shock absorbers and immunity to deal with harmful events.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”sect-6″ module_id=”sect-5″ _builder_version=”4.6.0″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″][et_pb_image src=”https://riverviewturfworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Weekly-Professional-Lawn-Mowing.jpg” alt=”A lawn mower being unloaded from a Riverview Turfworks work truck.” title_text=”Weekly Professional Lawn Mowing” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.6.0″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.6.6″ header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.2em” header_3_font_size=”25px” header_3_line_height=”1.2em” custom_padding=”||||false|false” header_2_font_size_tablet=”26px” header_2_font_size_phone=”24px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”22px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]

Eliminates Pests and Weeds

Pests and diseases need a favorable environment to grow. Tall grasses provide the right environment for disease and disease-causing agents. It also offers a perfect hiding place for pests. 
Mowing the lawn frequently creates space for air and sunlight to penetrate grass shoots. A well-aerated lawn will not permit pests or diseases because the majority of lawn pests and disease can only survive in dank environments.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”sect-7″ module_id=”sect-5″ _builder_version=”4.6.0″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.8″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.6.6″ header_2_font_size=”30px” header_2_line_height=”1.2em” header_3_font_size=”25px” header_3_line_height=”1.2em” custom_padding=”||||false|false” header_2_font_size_tablet=”26px” header_2_font_size_phone=”24px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”22px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]

How Often Should You Cut Your Grass?

Now that you know why you should mow your lawn regularly, how should you define regular? 

To determine how often to cut your grass, follow the below rules: 

  • Never remove more than one-third of the grass blades’ height in a single mow
  • Always cut the grass lower than 3 inches above the ground 

Based on these two rules, make seasonal changes on the regularity of the lawn mowing without adversely affecting the health of the lawn.

*The research and content contained in this blog post are attributed to Neal Boyd at Bigham & Associates, LLC.


Basic Lawn Care

Bare Minimum Lawn Maintenance

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″ custom_padding=”0px||0px|||”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_code admin_label=”Blog Schema” _builder_version=”4.4.5″ max_height=”1px”][/et_pb_code][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.3″ link_font=”|700|||||||” link_text_color=”#e95832″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]Your yard is a living organism that has basic needs to flourish just like humans do.  There are some bare minimum lawn maintenance tasks that need to be performed even if you aren’t going for the nicest lawn on the block!

Fertilization, Watering, Mowing, and Pest Control are all you need to worry about if you want to keep your lawn up to par. This how-to guide is not for the avid greens-keeper who wants to make every neighbor jealous of their luscious deep-green grass, it is tailored to the homeowner who wants to do the bare minimum lawn maintenance tasks to keep their yard healthy.

Intro to Lawn Fertilization

Lawn Fertilization

It is often thought that spreading a little fertilizer every year or two is the bare minimum that is needed to keep a healthy lawn. That is far from correct.

Fertilization is only one part of the equation, and every step listed here is needed to maintain a healthy yard. You should fertilize your lawn twice a year to maintain healthy grass. For the warm season grass types we have in Fort Smith and Van Buren, Arkansas fertilizing is normally done during the middle of spring and early summer.

Fertilizing doesn’t just give your grass a deeper green color, it also promotes growth and more densely growing grass blades. Thicker, more dense grass will help prevent problems such as insects and disease.  Fertilizing your lawn in the fall should be on everyone’s bare minimum lawn maintenance tasks list.

Lawn Watering is Essential

Watering Your Lawn

It is basic knowledge that humans need 8 glasses of water each day, likewise, your plants and lawn need water to survive.

The rule of thumb for Arkansas grasses is 1 inch of water each week needs to be soaked up by your lawn. If we are in a heavy rain season, you may not need to water your lawn at all. If we are in a drought, you should give your lawn 2 inches of water each week.

The easiest way to tell if your grass has enough water is to walk across it, if the grass where you stepped is still compressed after you move your foot then you need to water more. You should spread your watering cycle out to 2-3 days a week instead of trying to make your lawn take all of the water at once. Make sure your grass is soaking up the water and not causing run-off. After all, water that is draining down the curb isn’t doing your grass any good.

More is NOT better when watering is concerned.

In fact, overwatering is just as bad, if not worse, than not watering at all! Overwatering will cause over saturation of the ground, which will create a spongy effect when walking; it will also make your lawn more prone to disease and infestation.

Lawn Mowing Basics

Mowing The Grass

This lawn care advice is common sense but must not be overlooked.  Mowing the grass certainly makes the cut to be on our bare minimum lawn maintenance tasks list.

Riverview Turfworks recommends lawn mowing in the Fort Smith, Arkansas region to be done no less than a weekly basis.

The vast majority of our homes have Bermuda grass and it grows so fast that many people feel the need to mow twice a week! When mowing, set your deck height high, we always cut between 3.5”-4” depending on the time of the year. Taller grass blades will create shade for the grassroots and also help suffocate any weeds trying to germinate in the soil.

Be sure to keep your blades sharp. We sharpen our blades every single day, but homeowners can sharpen their blades every 8-10 cuts.

Lawn Pests

Lawn Pests, Weeds, and Turf Diseases

That’s right, your lawn can get sick and have problems just like you can.

And much like you, your grass will need a doctor to get it fixed up and healthy again. If you adhere to the previous three steps, then your problems should be somewhat tame.

To help prevent weeds, a pre-emergent should be applied to keep the weeds from germinating. After this window has passed, then often the best course of action is spot-treatment.

Bugs and diseases can be very invasive, sometimes taking over the majority of your lawn. It is often time to call in a professional pest control service to control these pests.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Fun Lawn and Landscape Facts

Fun Lawn Facts

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″ custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_code admin_label=”Blog Schema” _builder_version=”4.4.5″ max_height=”1px”][/et_pb_code][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.3″ link_font=”|700|||||||” link_text_color=”#e95832″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]Check out these fun lawn fact section below to help educate you, so you can get the most out of your lawn and landscape.

Everyone aspires to have a thick, weed-free lawn with luscious landscape beds full of colorful seasonal flowers, perfectly trimmed hedges, properly pruned shrubs, and a layer of freshly installed cedar or dyed mulch to help insulate the plant roots whilst at the same time giving gorgeous curb appeal.

Beautiful yards are something every homeowner can obtain, but the benefits of a properly maintained and cut lawn go beyond aesthetics. Gathered here are the forgotten facts related to a healthy lawn and landscape program.  We hope you enjoy our fun lawn facts!

Plants produce oxygen

Fun Lawn Fact #1: Lawns Produce Oxygen; While trees are often toted as being the best oxygen-producing plants, healthy grass actually takes the #1 spot.  There’s a fun lawn fact for you!

A 25′ x 25′ square patch of healthy cut grass produces enough oxygen for one human to breathe an entire day. To put this into perspective, the average property size in Fort Smith, Arkansas is ½ acre with about 19,000 square feet of that being turf.

The average household provides 30 people fresh oxygen for an entire day!

Lawns Stay Cool

Fun Lawn Fact #2: Turf Stays Cool on the Hottest Days

Van Buren is no stranger to heat, with summer temperatures reaching into the triple digits every year. Humans may not notice that roads, sidewalks, patios, and drives are sizzling hot – but our pets do.

During the hottest weeks of the year, grass can be up to 30 degrees cooler than the hard surfaces it borders!  We guess these fun lawn fact is for our furry friends!

Landscaping increases home value

Fun Lawn Fact #3: Landscaping Increases Home Value

You are not throwing money away.

That $20,000 landscape install you had done a few years back, the bi-monthly visits from your favorite fertilization and weed control company, the $45 weekly lawn mowing service, the yearly hedge trimming, bush trimming, and mulch installation you pay for.

Lawn maintenance is an investment if you haven’t heard this fun lawn fact yet. The curb appeal from a properly maintained yard and landscape can increase your property value by more than 15%!

Perhaps the most fun part of lawn and landscape design is the competition it creates. Neighbors see the nicest lawn in the neighborhood every single day and are envious of it. They want it. They have to have it. It’s now a competition, every neighbor has a stunning landscape and deep green lawn.

The entire neighborhood now has a higher resale value, and people are lined up wanting to buy properties in your stunning neighborhood.

Roots natural erosion control

Fun Lawn Fact #4: Roots are Natural Erosion Control

No grass = Big problems.  Erosion control is a giant positive for lawn maintenance. Without this characteristic, your property would be a gooey, muddy mess every time it rained. A healthy yard can absorb over 5 times more water than a comparable-sized garden.  We bet you didn’t know that fun lawn fact!

Picnic in the lawn

Enjoy Your Lawn and Landscape

What is more pleasant than watching your child run through the lawn barefoot on their way to the swing set? Or watching your dog chase after a tennis ball you just bounced off the fence in your backyard? Or simply laying a blanket on freshly mowed grass to have a picnic?

Properly maintained turf provides a safe surface to have any outdoor activity on.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Lawn Care Pickup Truck

Fort Smith Lawn Care Blog by Riverview Turfworks

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If you are looking for tips and tricks for keeping your lawn and landscaping looking tip-top, be sure to check back every week for helpful blog posts. We will cover lawn care topics such as grass types and identification, grass health, fertilization and weed control scheduling, and proper lawn mowing and watering techniques.  We will also cover landscape topics such as mulch installation, landscape maintenance, shrub and bush trimming techniques, pruning, flowering plants, and many other topics.

Fort Smith River Valley Lawn Blog

Since we are located in Van Buren, Arkansas, our lawn care blog is specific to our area, although it may apply to other areas as well.  The focus is on the best lawn care and landscaping practices that pertain to the plants and designs that are popular around Fort Smith, Van Buren, Barling, and Chaffee Crossing Arkansas.

If you are not the DIY type or would like a hand with a certain aspect of your lawn or landscape maintenance, please feel free to text, email, or call us for your free estimate today!

Fort Smith Lawn Care Blog

Website Updates Summer 2020

Major updates have been happening to our website throughout 2020 with lots of work being performed recently this summer.  Our goal is to make our website easy to find for anyone looking for lawn or landscape services in the Fort Smith River Valley.  And once you find it, we want it to be packed full of useful information so you can make a decision on who you would like to choose as your lawn service provider.

Riverview Turfworks 479.235.1390 Sales@RiverviewTurfworks.com

Proudly serving the Ft. Smith River Valley!
